Prayers for Kmiec's Family!

by Michael Sean Winters

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Of course, we all join in prayers for the repose of the soul of Sr. Mary Campbell who was killed in car crsh in Los Angeles that also resulted in serious injuries to Doug Kmiec, U.S. Ambassador to Malta and longtime Catholic scholar, and Msgr. John Sheridan, former pastor at Our Lady of Malibu where Sr. Campbell worked and Kmiec worshipped.

But, please keep Doug's family in your prayers too. Almost four years to the day, my parents were in a terrible car accident which almost killed them both that day and from which my mother never recovered. It is an intensely painful experience, waiting outside the operating room, then the ICU, not knowing whether you dare run home to shower and change lest your loved ones take a turn for the worse, looking at your loved ones and friends who have come to comfort you but not knowing what to say, listening to doctors explain complicated procedures that sound dreadful, praying. There are medications to alleviate the pain of those in the accident, but none for their loved ones who stand vigil. So, say a prayer for Doug's beloved wife Carolyn and his beautiful children.

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