Jon Stewart catches Pope Francis fever

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Pope Francis was the subject of late-night comedy Monday, with a short segment on his six months in the papacy running on Comedy Central's popular The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

And Stewart, it seems, is quite the fan of the Argentine pontiff. "I love this guy," he said at one point, referring to Francis' comments that he does not judge priests who are gay and his letter to an atheist in an Italian newspaper.

"The point is, this Francis is a different kind of pope," Stewart said. "But I don't think until recently we knew just how different."

"But if you're old-school and you have a problem with that, don't call Pope Francis," said Stewart, referring to reports that the pope has used his cellphone to call people who have written him.

"He'll call you," Stewart said.

Following is the full video of the Daily Show segment on the pope. It ends with a series of jokes between Stewart and Daily Show correspondent John Oliver, who sat in for Stewart as the host of the show during the summer.



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