Mission and Values

Approximately 20 percent of the U.S. population identifies itself as Catholic, the largest religious body in this country. National Catholic Reporter is the only significant alternative Catholic voice that provides avenues for expression of diverse perspectives, promoting tolerance and respect for differing ideas.

NCR is a religious news source with global interests. Through its reporting and analysis, it covers the Catholic Church and wider religious, political and social forces shaping public policies and institutions.  NCR is dedicated to the welfare of every human being regardless of religious belief, gender, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Throughout its history, it has been a voice for the disadvantaged, the marginalized, our hurting planet, and for all those forced to live in shadows. NCR tells their stories while holding authority accountable. In doing so, it has been and continues to be a  beacon of hope around the world. 

Our Mission

NCR connects Catholics to church, faith and the common good with independent news, analysis and spiritual reflection.

Our Core Values

Rooted in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, we are called to creative fidelity to our Catholic tradition by means of:

  • Social justice: Shining a light on stories of injustice and inequality, especially for the disadvantaged and marginalized
  • Human dignity: Promoting respect and honor for all members of the human family
  • Inclusiveness: Embracing the global family, its rich diversity and the sacredness of all creation
  • Excellence: Striving to achieve the highest quality of journalism

Our Vision

We see a church alive with the Spirit, its members working around the world to embody and spread the message of the Gospels while relying on NCR as a trusted provider of information and a source of inspiration.

Having developed through the inspiration of the Second Vatican Council, our spirit is independent, our management lay, our vision ecumenical. We attempt to contribute to the Catholic conversation by supporting freedom, honesty, openness and shared responsibility within the NCR reader community, the communities in which we live and the church, and by promoting the vision of a pilgrim church intimately linked with humanity and its history. We realize our unique responsibilities as North American Catholic publishers, both in our own society and in the worldwide faith community.

From these perspectives, our biweekly newspaper reports and comments on the church in the modern world. Both our print and Web publishing efforts foster an active, engaged spirituality in support of human dignity, social justice, environmental responsibility and world peace. As we dialogue within the Catholic community and with those beyond, we balance integrity and sensitivity, keeping an editorial vision that is both prophetic and reconciling — discerning the work of God’s Spirit and also aware of human limitations.

We try, in all our management and publishing decisions, to evaluate carefully the needs of the faith community we serve and to respond effectively to those needs.

NCR is a 501(C)3 organization.
Our tax exempt number is: 43 - 0815211
