Carol J. Dempsey

Carol J. Dempsey, Ph.D., a Dominican Sister from Caldwell, New Jersey, and professor of biblical studies at the University of Portland, Oregon, is the author of eight books, editor of 10 books, and is currently working on Isaiah for Liturgical Press' Wisdom Commentary Series. She specializes in prophets and feminist hermeneutics.

By this Author

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph: A reenvisioning of family

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Wise and prophetic spirit poured out upon all creation

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Transformative healing

Easter Sunday: Doing the work of Easter

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph: Turning the page

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: The struggle for transformation

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: A divine gift of virtue

Fourth Sunday of Easter: New life, new theologies

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Alternative choices

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time: On pondering the Holy One

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Are all things vanity?

Seventh Sunday of Easter: Unifying gift of love

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: All creation is prophetic

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time: Enlarging our tents

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Reassessing laws and traditions

Feast of the Holy Trinity: Joyful laughter

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Prophetic work is justice work

First Sunday of Advent: Whom shall we encounter?

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Margins speak truth

Pentecost Sunday: The power of the Spirit
