This Black History Month, we must turn our attention to the harmful part played by the U.S. Catholic Church, in actions, rhetoric and silence, from slavery to segregation to Trump 2.0.
As those in power who seek only their own interest and gain continue seeking to instill panoptical fear so that the fearful preemptively do their bidding, those Christians who are tempted to succumb to this dynamic must remember who we are and in whom we place our ultimate trust.
¿Cuál es el propósito de la vida consagrada en el mundo actual? La Hna. Joan Chittister afirma que no todas las religiosas están llamadas a trabajar directamente con los pobres ni a desempeñar el mismo tipo de ministerio. "Son las habilidades y el interés que cada hermana tiene en sí misma lo que decide el don que desarrolla", escribe y puntualiza que los carismas son dinámicos y deben renovarse constantemente.
Amid mixed signals, erroneous claims that have to be walked back, and bizarre initiatives, some decisions are irrevocable and the sideways shooting by the gang that can't shoot straight endangers the lives of real people.
At Corpus Christi Parish in 1997, NCR uncovered the groundbreaking ministry of Fr. James Callan, a priest whose daring vision would soon shake the foundations of ecclesiastical authority in Rochester, New York.
A squabble among scholars, a pro-American prelate, an exploding battleship, and the Roman Question all fed into Pope Leo XIII's decision to publish his 1899 letter that condemned the heresy of "Americanism."
When confronted with a perceived slight to his brand of Catholicism, Bishop Robert Barron is quick to post on social media. But when it comes to those on the margins, his alleged prophetic voice is conspicuously silent.
"If this causes chaos, so be it. The more chaos there is in American society, the more people will be ready and willing to hand over the government to me. Have faith, Tom, I am here to save you."