Prophets call a people back to their truest selves, to the roots of their tradition, to what is best in their past and what is needed now and in their future. Archbishop Borys Gudziak is prophetic in this way.
Almost every country has committed to preventing child labor, but the issue persists through entrenched systemic drivers: the demand for cheap, fast production and the impunity of corporations that profit from the vulnerable.
While Douthat and I disagree on many things, we can both affirm that there is something "more" to our lives and the universe than generally meets the eye or that can be explained purely by empirical analysis.
Last week more than 30 bishops and cardinals joined with theologians, journalists and other Catholic leaders at Fordham University for the fourth "Way Forward" ecclesial gathering.
We must oppose President Donald Trump's anti-conservation agenda that promotes fossil fuels over the long-term health of our shared home and all who rely on it for life.
It can be hard to see the dignity of work in our post-industrial stratified world. In this Jubilee year, the church prompts us to turn to St. Joseph, whose work was filled with hope for salvation.
Now is not a time to deny that it is dark, says Sr. Christine Schenk. It is a time to lean on God's own Spirit to help us figure out which candle is ours to light.
In our time, in the Spirit of our times, we have seen buried in the hearts of the popes who have gone before us their personal attempts to bring us through what the era demands but which we cannot see from long-range vision.