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eNCR and Kindle editions of the National Catholic Reporter

NCR content is available in two E-reader formats: eNCR, which is a full color digital replica of the print edition that we publish and mail every other week, and the Kindle edition, which is available through  

The eNCR edition enables readers to change the size of the font, to share articles via email, to print them and to access back issues (readers tell us they appreciate a tidier alternative to stacks of old NCR paper copies). eNCR costs $52.95 for 26 issues over the course of a year. You can read eNCR on your desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet like an iPad or your smartphone. An NCR print subscription, which also costs $52.95, includes access to eNCR for no extra charge. 

The Kindle edition does not replicate the print edition but organizes its stories into such categories as Front Page, News, Ministry & Mission, Opinion, etc. Photos and text appear in black and white, and the font can be adjusted, as with eNCR. You can also store back issues on your Kindle.

Amazon sells, delivers and handles subscriptions to the Kindle edition, which costs $2.99 a month.  A free two-week trial is available. Your NCR subscription will automatically continue at the end of the trial period at the regular subscription price. Payment is billed automatically to your credit card.

Both eNCR and the Kindle edition are available on your devices every other Friday.

Q. Why did you make NCR available on e-reader devices?
A. Many of our readers have requested we make the publication available to read on their devices.

Q. I read your website for free. Why should I pay for NCR?
A.  There are at least two answers to this question: Many readers tell us they enjoy the experience of reading NCR in print, including the feeling of completion when they turn the last page. The second answer is that your subscription helps support our journalism.  

Q. What are the advantages to reading NCR on an e-reader?
A. You can download the current issue of NCR on your e-reader instantly. Your device will store back issues of NCR for as long as you like. You can increase the font size for easier reading. Your e-reader has built-in tools including highlighting, note taking, bookmarks and sharing options to maximize your reading experience.