David Agren

David Agren covers Mexico as a freelance correspondent for Catholic News Service. His reporting also regularly appears in the Guardian, USA Today and the Washington Post. A native of Canada, he has lived in Mexico City for the past 11 years.


David Agren cubre México como corresponsal independiente para Catholic News Service. Sus reportajes también aparecen regularmente en The Guardian, USA Today y The Washington Post. Originario de Canadá, ha vivido en la Ciudad de México durante los últimos 11 años.

By this Author

Church urges protection of young after attack on Mexican youth group

The poor praying for Pope Francis' health packed famous basilica in Buenos Aires

Mexican bishops decry 'culture of death' in Mexico, reiterating calls for unity

Nicaragua calls Vatican 'depraved' for keeping Bishop Álvarez as head of two dioceses from afar

Pope, Central American Catholics pray for Nicaragua

El Salvador archbishop blasts mining law change, says it will cause 'irrevocable damage'

Faith, hope 'work miracles,' pope tells people of Nicaragua ahead of Immaculate Conception

Migrants hope, pray to enter US ahead of presidential inauguration

Nicaragua expels bishops' conference's president

Mexican lay couple help migrants amid rising dangers, difficulties

Mexican nuns hopeful, but wary, as 1st female president takes office

6 migrants killed by Mexican military shooting at vehicle evading checkpoint

Mexico's bishops welcome new president, urge her to pursue social peace

10 years after Mexican students' abduction, parents still don't know where their children are

Cardinal's former diocese denies claim of clerical sexual abuse cover-up

Mexico's outgoing president compares himself to St. Francis

Cardinal to Latin American church leaders: Welcome and protect migrants

Nicaragua extinguishes legal status for religious orders, evangelical congregations

Ortega government closes Caritas chapter amid wave of arrests in Nicaraguan diocese

'We cannot be neutral,' Venezuelan cardinals say, calling for full release of election results
