Mark Pattison

Mark Pattison has written for the Catholic press since 1985, including 33 years at Catholic News Service. A Detroit native now living in Washington, Pattison is active in community affairs, including being president of the Friends of the Library at his branch.

By this Author

Faith leaders respond to anxiety, fear of fired federal employees

Missouri bishop backtracks on hymn ban, opens dialogue on liturgical music

Missouri Catholic diocese issues blacklist of hymns

St. Louis Catholic high school students combine academics with learning a trade

Legendary talk show host Phil Donahue highlighted clergy abuse crisis

House committee accuses socially responsible investor groups of breaking antitrust law

Annual report on use of death penalty highlights pace of Oklahoma executions

Pope enlists a willing warrior to spread the message of Laudato Si'

Inflation Reduction Act clause makes it easier for churches to go green

Another year of 'limbo on earth' for immigrants, refugees, asylum-seekers

Did Latinos affect politics or the other way around? Forum seeks clues

Survey: Majority of U.S. Catholics oppose overturning of Roe v. Wade

'The Challenge of Peace' 40 years later: Durable principles, changed world

FCC votes to help inmates with hearing disabilities make calls more easily

Seminar panelists: Clergy abuse has scarred minority Catholic communities

Advocates already pushing for a satisfactory farm bill in 2023

Study: Christianity may lose majority, plurality status in U.S. by 2070

Number of Catholic institutions with union representation grows

Bishops' Labor Day statement touts bills to help children, women, families

Group's report card shows many dioceses failing in financial transparency
