A current exhibition at the MET reveals a humanity that will shift people's perception of religious art — and with it their understanding of themselves.
"It's not about bringing Jesus to the altar so that we can worship him" but rather "being empowered by the Spirit to continue the mission of Jesus," as one speaker told the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests.
The Icon Museum and Study Center is a U.S. museum devoted to icons and Eastern Christian art. Walking through the galleries spread over three levels was as much a prayerful experience as an aesthetic one.
Viewing "Africa & Byzantium" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Michael Centore was "aware of the human dimensions" of the objects and people used them, he writes.
Called the world's first modern protest ship, the Golden Rule is now undertaking a 13-month, 11,000-mile journey on waterways around the eastern half of the U.S. to draw attention to the dangers of nuclear weapons.