Thomas Scaria

Thomas Scaria

Thomas Scaria is a senior journalist based in India who has worked in Sri Lanka until recently in an intergovernmental organization. He has written for the Union of Catholic Asian News since 1991 and received its 2000 Best Reporter award. He also writes for Matters India, a news portal that focuses on religious and social issues and collaborates with Global Sisters Report.


Thomas Scaria es un periodista senior radicado en India que ha que ha escrito para la Unión de Noticias Católicas Asiáticas desde 1991 y que ha trabajado recientemente en Sri Lanka en una organización intergubernamental. En 2000 recibió un premio como el Mejor Reportero de ese año. Scaria colabora con Global Sisters Report y también escribe para Matters India, un portal de noticias que se centra en cuestiones religiosas y sociales. 

By this Author

Syro-Malabar Catholics in India clash over liturgical dispute

Catholic religious in India revise formation to address sex abuse, suicide cases

Q&A with Sr. Ajita Mathew Vettikuzhakunnel, champion of women farmers in India

Nun-dominated forum vows to correct ecological imbalances and climate change

Women congregations address human trafficking in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka's Catholic Church begins process to declare bomb victims 'heroes of faith'

Religious secular institute changes street children's future in Bengaluru

India's Catholic bishops urge voters to keep country secular

Indian nuns help visually impaired students achieve promising futures

In India, Salesian nuns bring hope to women with addictions

Sisters in India shelter rescued girls amid ethnic conflict in Manipur

Sisters in India seek out and educate migrant children working in slums

Amid liturgical dispute in Indian archdiocese, sisters keep faith alive

Sisters train girls as nurses in India to help heal from failed child marriages

Tarbes nuns shelter women in distress in southern India

Indian Catholic religious answer nun's call to solidarity, join protests

Sri Lankan cardinal says slow investigation delays justice for bombing attack victims

Sunday Masses resume in Sri Lanka, Catholic communities attempt healing
