Abortion Nightmare in Philadelphia

by Michael Sean Winters

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The AP is reporting on the arrest of a Philadelphia abortion doctor who is charged with eight counts of murder. The man is charged in the death of a woman and seven children who were born alive, only to be killed when the doctor plunged a pair of scissors into the back of their necks to sever their spinal cords.
The report is gruesome. But, then again, abortion is gruesome. And, before the enactment of the Partial Birth Abortion ban in 2003, what the doctor did to the children would have been legal if the children had been left partially in the womb.
Sadly, it will be as predictable as day following night that pro-choice groups that opposed the ban on partial birth abortion will be denouncing this doctor, even though what he did was little different from what they fought to defend.
How pathetic that it takes a horrific story like this to demonstrate the horror of abortion itself.

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