Abp Dolan: Call Your Congressman

by Michael Sean Winters

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Over at Faith in Public Life, John Gehring has a sound recommendation for the Archbishop of New York. He wants him to call Rep. Peter King, who is Catholic, and urge him to tone down the anti-Muslim rhetoric and keep his planned hearings on the "radicalization of American Muslims" from turning into an appeal to start a new Crusade. (The first Crusades do not look so pretty in the rear view mirror of history, do they?) Even though King is not technically Archbishop Dolan's congressman, as the President of the USCCB, Dolan should not hesitate to call any congressman. And King's own bishop, Bishop William Murphy, might place a call too. The last thing the country needs is an increase in Islamophobia and the last thing the Church needs is a prominent Catholic politician stoking the flames.
While he is at it, Archbishop Dolan might mention King's desire to gut the 14th Amendment.

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