Albacete on Those Who Question Obama's Faith

by Michael Sean Winters

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Over at Sussidiario, Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete writes this week about why so many people continue to question the President's faith. Monsignor suggests it is all politics, but I think racism has a lot to do with it as well.
What is important, however, is the site where Albacete raises his point. Sussidiario is run by Communion & Liberation which is arguably the most influential organization in this pontificate. If the Legionaries and Opus took pride of place under John Paul II, Benedict has shown his preference for CL time and again. The new prefect of the Cong. for Bishops, Cardinal Marc Ouellet has strong ties to CL. The Church's point man on outreach to the Islamic world, Cardinal Scola of Venice, is big in CL. The women who live with and care for the Pope are members of the Memores Domini, a CL-sponsored movement of lay women who live the evangelical counsels and who, with the Pope, conduct the weekly CL "school," studying texts together and praying on them. It is good that CL is publishing something that indicates the depravity of some of the president's opponents. And, the fact that he throws Pope St. Pius X's "Anti-Modernist Oath" under the bus is an added bonus!

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