Albacete on World Youth Day

by Michael Sean Winters

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Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete is to the New Evangelization what Dean Rusk was to NATO - he was "present at the creation." He has a very interesting post up at Sussidiario about World Youth Day and why the mainstream press just can't get their head around the event itself or the Pope's New Evangelization project more generally. The key graphs read (but you should read the whole thing here):

Some Catholics follow these events in the Catholic media, but they seem to share the secularist view that if they have any lasting impact, it is only at the inspirational or individualist moral level. That they could signal or even provoke a cultural change in many areas of human activity beyond sexual behavior -in the areas, for example, of economic policies, world hunger, labor justice, health care, etc. - is simply not seen.

Once again, we see the tragic effects of the split between faith and knowledge of reality, and thus between knowing and judgment.

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