The Anchoress on Father Corapi

by Michael Sean Winters

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The Anchoress explains what we do, and do not, know about the apparent suspension of Father Corapi, a favorite on EWTN. Her counsel to not rush to judgment is wise. And, she is undoubtedly correct when she writes that there is something excessive among the hero-worshippers of the "truth-telling" priests on EWTN.

(N.B. One of those EWTN priests, Msgr. Stuart Swetland, really is a hell of a good guy and completely without the bombast of his colleagues.)

Still, everytime I flip channels and come across the supremely self-confident Corapi screaming about whatever cause he is embracing on any given day, I confess I have had the thought: Me thinks the gentleman doth protest too much. Stridency is rarely evidence of real, genuine faith.

It is also telling that Father Corapi's statement is so breathtakingly self-centered as to cause one to question whether he has any clue about why the Church must take all accusation of priestly impropriety seriously.

It is no fun to be accused, of course, and if Corapi is innocent of the charges brought against him, he has every right to be indignant. But his statement shows that lack of equanimity of which his entire EWTN career is an exemplar.

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