Anti-Reform Dems Opposing Repeal

by Michael Sean Winters

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Politico is reporting that some of the House Democrats who did not support the Health Care Reform law last year are nonetheless disinclined to vote for the law's repeal. It turns out, there were many and varied reasons for voting against the law last year, and many of the Democratic conservatives who did so wanted stronger steps to rein in costs, something that the GOP repeal measure not only fails to address, the repeal measure would actually add to the deficit. As well, popular proposals like forcing insurance companies not to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions, are no part of the GOP repeal effort.
Some Republicans campaigned simply on repealing the law. Some argued that the law needed to be repealed and replaced. Next week's vote leaves out the "replace" part of that equation. It should surprise no one that the status quo will find few supporters from the Democratic side of the aisle. It is shocking, in its way, that it finds supporters anywhere, especially among those who now enjoy "government-run" health care as members of Congress.

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