Bachmann - Tax Attorney Indeed

by Michael Sean Winters

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As part of Michelle Bachmann's effort to present herself as a serious candidate for the presidency, when introducing herself she notes that she was once a tax litigation attorney. The idea is that in her anti-tax crusade, the subject is something she knows about. Visions of her battling the feds to protect average folk from the IRS leap to mind.
Alas, it turns out that, according to the Atlantic, Bachmann did not crusade against the IRS, she worked for the IRS.

I read the article and could not get a singular image out of my mind. When Dorothy and her companions get to Oz and ask to see the Wizard, they are refused until she announces that she is "Dorothy" and she is wearing the ruby slippers and the doorkeeper says, "Ah, well, that's a horse of a different color!"

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