Barbara Bush Explains Baby in a Bottle

by Michael Sean Winters

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Last night, Larry King asked former First Lady Barbara Bush about a story recounted by her son, George W. Bush, in his new memoir. According to the former president, his mother had a miscarriage and his mother showed him the fetus in a jar, and this made a large impression on him, an early indicator of his subsequent pro-life views. Mrs. Bush confirmed that she had a miscarraige but said she had not the fetus in the jar, someone named "Paula" did. The Bushes had a daughter named Pauline, who was nicknamed "Robin," and perhaps that is who Mrs. Bush was referring to. Larry King did not follow up.

I suppose it doesn't matter who put the baby in the jar, but the whole story grosses me out. It put me in mind of Randall Terry bringing out an aborted fetus on a little cushion in one of his videos. Please people - bury the dead with dignity. I do not see how the episode made the future president pro-life unless he, too, was struck with horror.

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