Beck & \"Versions of Christianity\"

by Michael Sean Winters

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When discussing President Obama’s supposed commitment to Liberation Theology and why this, as opposed to the disinformation campaign conducted by certain conservatives, is the reason so many Americans think the President is not a Christian, it was especially rich to hear Mr. Glenn Beck say this: “People aren’t recognizing his version of Christianity.”

Since 325 A.D., the Nicene Creed has been the distinguishing mark of Christians. Mr. Beck left the Catholic Church to convert to Mormonism. Mormons do not adhere to the Nicene Creed.

If Beck intends to make a mark for himself as a leader of Christian revivalism, there is this difficulty: Most of the evangelicals who might be inclined to share his political views do not share his religion. Mitt Romney ran up against evangelical hostility to his Mormonism when he ran for President in 2008. Beck will run up against it also. Some leaders of the religious right will be sufficiently dazzled by the crowds Beck draws, by his significant, nightly, hour-long platform, and by his evident commitment to his faith as well as his compelling personal story of redemption from alcoholism. But, in the end, many of his would-be followers think he is a heretic and, for the religiously motivated, that is a tough nut to crack.

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