Biden: No 'Debacle' for Dems

by Michael Sean Winters

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Vice President Joe Biden is half-right when he told Politico the Democrats are not going to experience a "debacle” this November. He cites several reasons, many of which do not persuade: People may sense that the economic ship is turning around, but it is not turning around quickly enough and voters punish the party in power.

But, where Biden is spot-on is that November will not be a vote between generic Republicans and generic Democrats. He cites Kentucky where libertarian Rand Paul is the GOP nominee and Nevada where Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle won the Republican nod. I have a hard time believing that these candidates will wear well over time. Mr. Paul has stopped doing interviews after he found himself in hot water trying to explain his views on the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The issue will not motivate voters to look kindly on his opponent, but the prospect of not being ready for prime time will so motivate them. If a candidate is afraid of reporters’ questions, how will he survive the DC political scene?

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