Bill Donohue: NIMBY on Bigotry

by Michael Sean Winters

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I almost feel sorry for Bill Donohue. Is he really this clueless?

Donohue has rightly been attacking Pastor Robert Jeffress for his outrageous remarks about the Catholic Church. He warned that Governor Rick Perry's campaign would be in a heap of trouble if he did not disassociate himself from Jeffress's anti-Catholic comments. Now, Donohue reports in a press release that Gov. Perry gave him a call and said he did not agree with Pastor Jeffress that the Catholic Church has been infected by Satan. Donohue concludes his press release with the words: "Case closed."

No it isn't. Pastor Jeffress is on the nation's radar screen because of his outrageous remarks about Mitt Romney's religion being a barrier to his candidacy. We then subsequently learned that Pastor Jeffress is an equal opportunity bigot, that his venom extends not just to Mormons but to Catholics. Donohue is evidently content to let Jeffress - and Perry - off the hook so long as their bigotry is directed at Mormons. But, the problem with bigotry has nothing to do with who it is aimed at. The problem is that it is aimed at anybody. Donohue's failure to see this is sufficient for his Board to call for him to enjoy a timely retirement.

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