Bill Donohue's Latest Offensive Screed

by Michael Sean Winters

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So, Mark Silk, a professor at Trinity College and blogger at "Spiritual Politics" wrote a column in which he actually agreed with Bill Donohue and, ever the gentleman, Donohue responds by blasting Silk. You can find the latest post, with embedded links to prior ones, here.
What to say? I guess Donohue did not get the memo about Nostra Aetate, or Pope Benedict's recent comments about the Jews, because his suggestion that Silk lacks moral standing to discuss theology because he is a Jew not a Catholic is so offensive, it is shocking, even to me, and I had thought I was past the point where anything Donohue could say would shock me.
There is a place for the Catholic League. But, might we not get someone at the helm who is at least a little bit smart?

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