Bishop Hubbard Calls For Ratification of START Treaty

by Michael Sean Winters

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On a press call this afternoon, Bishop Howard Hubbard of Albany, New York called for the Senate to ratify the START Treaty, which will reduce nuclear arsenals. "Strong and timely ratification of the new treaty will communicate our nation’s moral commitment to continue down a road that reduces the nuclear threat," Bishop Hubbard said. "It will encourage other nations to adhere to their responsibilities under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The new treaty will make our nation and world safer by reducing nuclear weapons in a verifiable way. For the safety of our nation and world, we urge the Senate to take up the New START Treaty without delay." Bishop Hubbard is the Chairman of the USCCB Committee on International Justice and Peace. He also noted that the treaty has been endorsed by both the recent past president of the USCCB, Cardinal Francis George, and the new president of the bishops' conference, Archbishop Timothy Dolan.
Hubbard issued a statement on behalf of the USCCB late last month urging passage. You can read it here.

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