Boehner Backs Away From Ryan Plan

by Michael Sean Winters

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The headline at Politico reads, "John Boehner says he's not 'wedded to' Paul Ryan plan." That was fast. Speaker Boehner just pushed the Ryan plan through the GOP-controlled house a fortnight ago. But, then Congress went on recess, and members went back to their districts, and they got an earful about killing Medicare.
What was Boehner thinking? Did he now realize that by allowing Ryan and the Tea Partyers their poind of entitlement flesh, he was running the risk of handing the control of the chamber back to the Democrats? The title of the article could be, "John Boehner remembers that there is a general election too." This is the GOP conundrum, and Harold Meyerson looks at it in today's Post: In order to avoid a challenge from the right, Republicans members of Congress need to back the kinds of policies that will doom them in a general election. It couldn't happen to a nicer party.

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