Canonist Says Deacons Must Refrain From Sex

by Michael Sean Winters

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I will say one thing for Canonist Ed Peters, he is not afraid to cause a dust-up. He has posted an article in which he argues that canon law requires married deacons to refrain from sexual activity with their wives once they are ordained. He also suggests that the canons would make a similar demand of the newly ordained ex-Anglicans in the Personal Ordinariate set up in the UL and soon to be established in the United States.
Peters may be right about the canons, but that only shows why we, as a Church, turn to the canons when we must and no sooner. I am all for "continence," but the entire class of current deacons were ordained with a different understanding of their obligations from those Peters suggests the canon law requires. Surely, this is an instance when it is best to let sleeping dogs, and sleeping husbands, stay sound asleep.

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