Cardinals MIA

by Michael Sean Winters

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Two American cardinals are absent from the USCCB meeting. cardinal Sean O'Malley is in Dublin, where he is beginning his apostolic visitation of that archdiocese. He celebrated Mass yesterday at St. Mary's pro-Cathedral in Dublin.

Also absent is Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony, but I have not found out why he is not here in Baltimore.

Cardinal-designate Donald Wuerl is present, but is expected to leave the meeting Tuesday afternoon to fly to Rome with some 200 pilgrims from Washington for the consistory at week's end when Wuerl will be created a cardinal.

As Wuerl walked through the hall outside the ballroom where the meeting takes place he was warmly greeted by his brother bishops. Wuerl has long been a key player in the USCCB and is well respected by the body.

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