CHA's Statement on HHS Revisions

by Michael Sean Winters

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For me, the best part about Pope Benedict's resignation is that I caught a break from writing about the HHS contraception mandate. But, it is important to read the statement issued by the Catholic Health Association.

The statement does two important things.

First, it eschews the combative tone that some have adopted towards the administration and focuses on fixing any remaining problems, finding solutions rather than bumper sticker slogans.

Second, it notes that, especially for self-insured organizations, it is important to talk to the stakeholders, not just the Becket Fund lawyers, because the stakeholders are the ones who will have to live with whatever the final resolution, or lack thereof, on this contentious issue.

The stakeholders are not trying to make a point: They already make a point, and their point is to bring the healing ministry of the Lord Jesus to the world, especially to the poor and vulnerable. The stakeholders are not looking to "compromise" their moral principles, but it must be remembered that those who speak recklessly about shutting down ministries, or foregoing insurance coverage for employees, they, too, are asking for an unacceptable compromise.

The Church can no more stop assisting the poor than a body can stop breathing and still live.

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