The Church & Labor: Rerum Novarum at 120

by Michael Sean Winters

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Catholic University's Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies is sponsoring a conference on the 120th anniversary of Rerum Novarum May 2 and 3. The event will feature keynote addresses from Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, and John Sweeney, former President of the AFL-CIO. Panelists will include E. J. Dionne, Harold Meyerson, noted historian Rev. Gerry Fogarty, S.J., Father Clete Kiley, the USCCB's John Carr and Kathy Saile, Alexia Kelley from the White House Office on Fath-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, and many others. The conference is free and open to the public and you can find out more information and register to attend here.
In anticipation of the conference, Professor Stephen Schneck, the director of the IPRCS has penned a short essay for the "Common Good Forum" published by Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. Schneck charts some of the history and the issues that will be discussed at the conference and indicates why readers should consider attending.
Full disclosure: I am currently a Visiting Fellow at the IPRCS and one of my jobs is organizing the conference. But, even if I were only an outside observer, this promises to be a conference that you do not want to miss. And, NCR's Tom Roberts will be covering the event for those unable to attend.

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