The Coherence of Sarah Palin?

by Michael Sean Winters

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Normally, the Anchoress provides thoughtful commentary on the issues of the day. I often find myself in disagreement with what she has to say, but she is not usually bonkers. But she has a post up in which she commends former Governor Sarah Palin for her "coherence" during a speech she gave in Wisconsin defending that state's Gov. Scott Walker. The Anchoress believes Palin evidences "wit, clarity and coherence." Watch the video and you be the judge.
I will say this. Palin certainly evidences sincerity, but she is sincere in the sense that she is the first to believe her own propaganda. When she stated that Gov. Walker "is not trying to hurt union members" she is simply lying. Aren't union members in a better position to assess what does and does not hurt tham than the man who is busting those unions?
If this is coherence, I am a Lutheran.

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