Cong. Ellison is Right

by Michael Sean Winters

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Congressman Keith Ellison is so far to the left of me, it hurts my neck to turn in his direction. But, according to Politico, the liberal congressman from Minnesota has called on President Obama to come to Wisconsin and stand with the workers.
I agree entirely and for two, somewhat contradictory, reasons. First, you know and I know and Richard Trumka knows that some of those protesters voted Republican last autumn. How did that work out for you guys? Second, as I never tire of saying until I am blue in the face, only when the Democrats reclaim their status as the unabashed defender of the working class will they return to majority status. Too busy pussy-footing with their friends at Goldman-Sachs, the national Dems have sold the working class down the river with bad trade deals, bad tax policies, and attacks on their cultural values. President Obama has found in the Tea Party and their over-reaching members a perfect foil to shape the debate back towards a Rooseveltian dynamic. Shame on him if he fails to take the opportunity.

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