+Cupich on Immigration

by Michael Sean Winters

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Yesterday, Archbishop Blase Cupich made a few comments at the end of Mass at St. Agatha of Bohemia Parish in Chicago, on the subject of immigration and his meeting with President Barack Obama last week. The Archbishop said:

On Tuesday this week, I was invited to meet with President Obama and the only issue I discussed with him was the executive order granting temporary protection for a large number of undocumented persons. I told the president that the Catholic bishops of the United States favor this action but see it only as a first step to a comprehensive reform of immigration policies. The President and I also discussed the need to have some confidentiality provision so that when people register for the protection, the information they give will not be used against them in the future. We also discussed the need to protect immigrants from people who may try to exploit the undocumented by charging fees and giving false information. I told the President that the Church is ready to help immigrants and provide security as the plan is being implemented. I wanted to tell you today about my discussion with the President so that you will  know that you can count on me as a good friend of the immigrant community.

Additionally, the subject of immigration came up in +Cupich's interview on "Face the Nation" yesterday. You can find that video here.  


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