Dems Backing Off Religious Outreach?

by Michael Sean Winters

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This artilce by Tiffany Stanley at The New Republic highlights one of the principle difficulties afflicting the Democrats today: After Obama's 2008 victory, they have paid little or no attention to closing the "God Gap." The article is a must-read for anyone engaged in Democratic Party strategy. America may not be a "Christian nation" but it is a nation of Christians and the Dems ignore religiously motivated voters at their peril. Even more important than outreach, religiously motivated voters must be considered when framing the Dems' message.
The problem is not unique to the Democrats. By way of example, I noted last week that the USCCB had a press call urging support for the DREAM Act. Cardinal Mahony, Archbishop Gomez, Bishop Wster and Bishop Burns were all on the call. But, where was Archbishop Kurtz? He has led the bishops' ad hoc committee on marriage and the family. The DREAM Act was about helping families with irregular legal status. Indeed, Bishop Burns spoke powerfully and eloquently about a family in Alaska in which the parents were documented, two of their children were citizens, but one daughter was neither and she would have been helped by the DREAM Act. Why was she not on the call too?

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