Dems For Life Get Ready To March

by Michael Sean Winters

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This year, the annual March for Life will be held on January 25, not the 22nd, so as not to conflict with the inauguration of President Obama on the 21st. As always, Democrats for Life will be hosting an informal breakfast before the March, and then head down to the national mall together. This year, the group will be meeting at Catholic University's Pryzbyla Center for breakfast at 9:30. Then, they will grab the metro down to the March.

One of the criticisms of some on the Catholic Left (and indeed one of the criticisms the CDF leveled in its doctrinal assessment of the LCWR) is that we do not pay enough attention to the abortion issue. I think this charge is often unfair: We are allowed to multi-task and if someone like Sr. Simone Campbell has an expertise in anti-poverty programs, that does not mean she is shunting aside the importance of the abortion issue anymore than we expect staffers on the pro-life committee at the USCCB to have her expertise in anti-poverty programs. But, the March is an opportunity for those of us on the Catholic Left to demonstrate, publicly, do care about the tragedy of abortion in this country and so I urge those who have never marched to come and join us in the Democrats for Life contingent. For more information, you can visit the Democrats for Life website by clicking here.

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