Dept. of Unintended Consequences

by Michael Sean Winters

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Ben Smith, at, reports on some push back from some Tea Party activists against the pro-gay rights Republican group GOProud. Already, the American Principles Project refused to participate in a conservative forum is GOProud was allowed to participate as well.

The immediate, and foreseeable, consequence of such protests is that it makes it that much easier for Democrats in Congress and for President Obama not to push for a repeal of "Don't Ask; Don't Tell." In that sense, the push against GOProud makes sense. But, in the long run, one of the difficulties facing the Democrats is how to appear more moderate, and to how to make sure that such moderation does not alienate key parts of their base. With Tea Party activists leading the anti-gay push, the pressure is off on Obama to deliver on his promise to deliver a DADT repeal.

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