Dionne on Dems & White, Working Class Voters

by Michael Sean Winters

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In this morning's Washington Post, E.J. Dionne notes that Michelle Nunn has closed the gap in her Senate bid against businessman David Perdue in Georgia by focusing on his championing outsourcing while still a practicing capitalist. Surprise, surprise that Democrats do better when they focus on issues people actually care about. I wish Dionne had compared Nunn's ascendency with the collapse of Sen. Udall's campaign in Colorado. There, Udall has focused his campaign so exclusively on the supposed "war on women" that he has been dubbed "Sen. Uterus." News flash to the Dems. Your campaign operatives, young, reasonably affluent and successful, may really care about free birth control at Catholic institutions, but most people care about being able to find a job and feed their families. The "culture war" approach did not do much for the long-term health of the GOP. Why do Dems think it will do more for them? 

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