Donald Trump is Now Pro-Life?

by Michael Sean Winters

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I really don't care why someone changes their position from pro-choice to pro-life or, better to say, I am just always delighted when someone becomes pro-life for whatever reason. But, in an interview with David Brody, Donald Trump explains why he is now pro-life: A man he knows got his wife pregnant and he didn't really want the baby but they had it anyway and now Donald's friend just loves being a Daddy. Q.E.D.
Now, far be it from me to underestimate the power of a good story to move people to change their views, but it did jump out at me that Trump's tale barely mentions the happy mother.
It is difficult not to expect that the more proximate reason for Trump's conversion has to do with his wanting to be taken seriously as a GOP contender. Then again, by embracing the birthers, maybe seriously is not the best adverb to use when writing about Trump.

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