E.J. Dionne Asks: Why Not John XXIII?

by Michael Sean Winters

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In this morning's Washington Post, E.J. Dionne asks why the rush to beatify Pope John Paul II while Pope John XXIII, already beatified, has not first been canonized?

More NCR coverage of the beatification of John Paul II

Maureen Fiedler: Beatifications and Politics
Michael Baxter: Biography of JPII raises questions about partiality
Michael Sean Winters: Weigel in JPII Heaven
John L. Allen Jr.: In death as in life, John Paul a sign of contradiction
Gerald Slevin John Paul beatification highlights dysfunctional monarchy

John Allen's Beatification Q&As
#1: What's the Rush?
#2: What’s the deal with miracles?
#3: Why make saints out of popes?
#4: What’s the Divine Mercy connection?

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