Fear-Mongering on EWTN

by Michael Sean Winters

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The latest episode of "The World Over" on EWTN featured host Raymond Arroyo and Acton Institute President Fr. Robert Sirico indulging in their usual apologias for GOP economic policies.

It is hard to know which is more offensive, the superficial quality of the analysis or the tendentiousness of the claims.

But at one point Arroyo raised the specter of higher taxes for a father of five children with two jobs, and asked if that was fair.

I have been paying a fair amount of attention to the budget battles, and I have not noticed anyone on either side of the aisle proposing higher taxes on the kind of man who needs a second job to pay the bills. Have you?

This is mere fear-mongering on Arroyo's part. Raising taxes on zillionaires is not going to affect the person in Arroyo's fancied scenario, so why raise it except to beat the anti-tax drum?

Fear-mongering at its worst.

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