Former Front-Runner Mitt

by Michael Sean Winters

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I was almost beginning to feel sorry for Mitt Romney. He did not have much of a platform for his candidacy to begin with. He can't very well run on his signature accomplishment while Governor of Massachusetts, universal health care with an individual mandate! And, his prowess as a businessman suffers from the fact that he made a lot of his money by exporting jobs overseas. Then, there is that obnoxious clip of him defending abortion rights with a highly personal story about the death of his cousin whom he loved because she had a botched illegal abortion in the early 60's. But, hey, he was a grown-up and the frontrunner.
Not anymore. Fresh from the getting the posse ready to rough up Ben Bernanke, Gov. Rick Perry is now atop the latest Gallup poll.
If Romney thought his front-runner status lent his campaign an aura of inevitability, he was barking up the wrong tree. Ask Hillary Clinton how that inevitability thing works. But, now he is not even the front-runner. Why does he think he can win this thing?

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