Fr. Jim Martin Feels Left Out

by Michael Sean Winters

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This morning, Father James Martin, S.J., was kind enough to send me this link to his post at America magazine in which he explains why he, not Cardinal Dolan or Sr. Simone Campbell, should be speaking at both political conventions. The article is more evidence that Fr. Martin justly deserves the title, "America's funniest priest."

Of course, I was similarly disappointed not to be asked by either party to lead a prayer at their convention. As I suggested before, if I had to go to the GOP convention, I would recite the Magnificat - "the rich he has sent away empty." If I had to pray at the Democratic convention, I would recite Jeremiah 1:5 - "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." I am guessing I am not going to be invited to either party anytime soon.

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