Gingrich Explains His Conversion

by Michael Sean Winters

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Newt Gingrich's article about his conversion to Catholicism in the National Catholic Register today will not rival St. Augustine's Confessions anytime soon. Nonetheless, while he does not put it this way, it is clear the he understands that his faith found him as much as he found it. Just so, his essay is a fine one and especially appropriate at this Eastertide when the Church welcomes so many new Catholics into the fold.
Many have criticized Gingrich for his conversion, usually with nasty comments about his personal life. I think Mr. Gingrich needs to study the Church's social teachings a bit more seriously, but I for one am delighted anytime anyone becomes a Catholic. As for his past personal foibles, they are in the past and, since he became a Catholic, they are appropriate for discussion in the confessional and nowhere else. Besides, if the Church only welcomes the sinless, it would be empty. It is a big Church and there is plenty of room for Gingrich.

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