Give Mitt a Break

by Michael Sean Winters

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There are lies, damned lies, and campaigns.

I am no fan of Mitt Romney and think there is plenty in his record, and more in his current rightwing stances, to find objectionable, especially his strident stance on immigration reform. But, when a person speaks in a complete sentence, the media and even Mr. Romney's opponents have an obligation not to cut off half the sentence and run with it. In this case, Mr. Romney was trying to make the point that he wanted to focus on the middle class, but he prefaced his remark by saying he wasn't concerned about the poor because they have a social safety net, and he wasn't worried about the rich because they are doing just fine. Now, I would like to see Mr. Romney try and live on the social safety net for a week. And, I would like him to explain how anyone who does care about preserving the social safety net could voice anything but derision towards the Paul Ryan budget. But, yesterday, he was being pummelled for something he did not say, and that is a bum rap.

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