GOP Hearts Ryan, But Not Really

by Michael Sean Winters

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The Washington Post ran an interesting story today about Congresswoman Ann Marie Buerkle (R - N.Y.) appearing before constituents and being asked about Paul Ryan's budget, which Buerkle voted for. Buerkle was speaking to a mostly older crowd and they were especially concerned about the proposed changes to Medicare. As the article details, Buerkle was clear that the changes would not affect those currently on Medicare, although presumably, if the elders in the audience really like the program, they would want their children and grandchildren to benefit from it also.

But, the really, REALLY interesting part was this: "Buerkle urged the mostly older voters in the audience not to fear the GOP plan, especially, she said, because the Democratic-controlled Senate will never pass it." Setting aside the fact that it is far from clear the Democrats will control the Senate next year, isn't this the weakest defense of the Ryan budget you can imagine? Yes, Buerkle suggests, I voted for it, but don't worry about that vote because it will have no consequence. The voters in her district should send her into early retirement if for no other reason than her unwillingness to defend her own votes.

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