Gringos Wake Up!

by Michael Sean Winters

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The Feast of Our Lady of Gaudalupe is now, as I observed yesterday and over the weekend, the biggest celebration day for U.S. Catholics. 60 percent of Catholics under the age of 30 are Latinos, so the vibrancy of the devotion to the Virgin is only going to grow. This is the future of the Catholic Church, as surely as John Hughes' ascent to the bishopric of New York in 1842 announced the fact that the Irish were taking over from the French within the American hierarchy.

But, the great Feast went unmentioned at InsideCatholic. The American Papist had not a word. Father Z made a passing reference in a post, from someone else, about the coronas of the sun. Nor was the absence of a mention unique to the rightwing blogosphere - our good friends at America had no coverage of the Feast either.

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