Hats Off To Boehner and Lieberman

by Michael Sean Winters

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Regular readers will know that I do not usually agree with the policies advocated by Speaker Boehner and that, as a native Nutmegger who has known Sen. Joe Lieberman for twenty years, I have little in the way of good feelings about him either. But, both men get high marks for their effort to revive the D.C. Opportunity scholarships which give much-needed tuition assistance to D.C. parents who send their children to private and parochial schools. I believe, and believe firmly, that government has a primary responsibility to educate the nation's children and that investment in education is money well spent. But, for a variety of complicated reasons, the D.C. schools are a mess, and until they are better, no child should be made to suffer a bad education if we can find them something better at a private or parochial school.

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