Hats Off to McCarrick

by Michael Sean Winters

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[Update - It has been called to my attention that Cardinal McCarrick spoke before the Senate panel representing the USCCB, so his words are not simply reflective of his individual judgment but reflect the will of the corporate body of bishops. This is an important distinction.]

Among those testifying before a Senate panel to defend the rights of Muslims to practice their faith was Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, archbishop emeritus of Washington. McCarrick said, "A justified concern for security and the appropriate pursuit of those who pervert religion to attack others cannot be allowed to turn into a new form of religious discrimination and intolerance," the prelate pointed out....This is why we stand with our Muslim brothers and sisters in defense of their dignity and rights, just as we welcome and expect their reciprocity and solidarity with us when the rights of Christians and other religious groups are violated around the world."
It is about time someone in the hierarchy stated forcefully and clearly that the Church cannot stand by while our fellow Americans who happen to be Muslims find their patriotism impugned by neo-nativists and bigots.

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