On To The House

by Michael Sean Winters

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Politico looks at the shifting political sands in the GOP caucus as immigration reform heads to that side of Capitol Hill after a large bipartisan majority, 68-32, passed the bill in the Senate. And, to be clear, when you get 68 votes, that is truly bipartisan, a word that usually meant that the Dems got Olympia Snowe to vote with them or the Republicans got Mark Pryor in recent years. According to Politico, July 10 is the next meeting of the GOP House caucus so readers should call their representatives before that time. Additionally, it is hoped that the bishops of the Catholic Church will be working the phones on this issue. Cong. Paul Ryan has been magnificent on this issue, and unlike any other member of the GOP House caucus, he can tell them what it is like to lose a national election because you only garner 27% of the Latino vote. Let's hope Speaker Boehner, who does not harbor ambitions of seeking national office, nonetheless cares enough about the future of the party that he will see the necessity of doing the right thing for the party, for the country, and most importantly, for the 11 million people living in the shadows of our society.

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