
by Michael Sean Winters

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Father Robert Sirico is celebrating the fact that Michigan adopted so-called (or is it faux-called) "right-to-work" laws this week. Morning's Minion has done the heavy lifting in taking on Sirico.

For those Catholics who wish to dance on the grave of labor unions, I have two sets of questions. First, did you enjoy your weekend? Do you appreciate the fact that your workplace is safe? Did you lose any of your forebears in the Jonestown Flood? In short, I am sick and tired of people who enjoy all the things organized labor achieved in the past many decades but have proven themselves to be ingrates. Do unions always do the right thing? Of course not. Is papal infallibility affected by the Borgias? Of course not. Second, insofar as the Holy See and the US bishops have consistently championed the rights of labor, why do you anti-labor Catholics not find it incumbent upon themselves to convert their hearts and minds so that they may think with the Church? I am not shy about criticizing some of my liberal friends when they think it a foolish proposition to try and align their thinking with that of the Church, or who deny that such an effort is needed to be a good Catholic. I think such effort is always needed. Wouldn't it be nice to see some of our conservative friends making such an effort.

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