InsideCatholic Goes Crazy

by Michael Sean Winters

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Earlier this morning, I noted that conservatives like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity have become even more unhinged than usual over events in the Mideast, warning of the return of the Caliphate and the imposition of Sharia worldwide.

Well, over at InsideCatholic, John Zmirak one ups the Fox News duo with a screed that has something stupid, offensive, repugnant or evil in almost every paragraph. In his attempt to link Pat Buchanan's "pitchfork brigades" with today's Tea Party, be brings together a host of rightwing phobias, often in the same sentence even though they derive from different decades, e.g., when he warns of "tens of millions more freshly minted affirmative action recipients and future Democrats flooding across the border." I seem to recall Ronald Reagan signing a relatively pro-immigration measure in the 1980s, and I do not recall John McCain denouncing affirmative action in 2008.

Of course, with President Obama's poll numbers moving up as the country takes its measure of the Republicans in power, perhaps Zmirak recognizes that the 2010 midterms were no guarantee of a rejection of Obama's policies. The going for the GOP in the years ahead will remain tough-going. And, when the going gets tough, some on the right just go crazy.

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