Jewish Support on Immigration

by Michael Sean Winters

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The Jewish Council for Public Affairs issued a press release announcing its support for President Obama's immigration decision on Friday.

JCPA President Rabbi Steve Gutow said: “Finally, reason and decency have come to the table in the immigration debate. The JCPA has advocated for passage of the DREAM Act to reward children who, despite their circumstances, have worked hard and remained in school. But in the face of legislative stagnation, we applaud President Obama and Secretary Napolitano for issuing this policy directive on behalf of young and committed immigrants to permit them to stay and be a part of our nation. This step will assuage their fears that they could be deported at a moment’s notice.” said Gutow.

Rabbi Gutow continued “The biblical mandate to treat the stranger as our own holds particularly true to American Jews. Just as we were strangers in Egypt, many Jews began as strangers in America. In light of many of our own experiences, we have an obligation to see that today’s immigrants, looking for a share in the freedom and prosperity of America, are met with the same opportunities we have had.”

Jews, like Catholics, lived for many years outside the mainstream of American social and cultural life, so they know from where they speak on the issue of immigration. It is good to be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the Jewish community on this important issue.

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